Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 5: WPBD - Knex

After Transitioning from WPBD and into Knex for designing a bridge, I realized that WPBD is much easier and different than Knex. In WPBD we did not have to face problem with dimensions or the materiel size. Students were allowed to create beams from any point to another point and than allowed to just test the bridge to observe the results. With Knex we only have few options to choose from to bulid our bridge and also have to take in considerastion which part fits with other parts. For example, depending on the outer frame of the bridge, only a certain bars or design can be used to create the 'web'. In the Knex's kit we have to choose from the different collored beams accoriding to size, such as white, blue, yellow, red, and gray; in addition with the types of gussets. The main difference between WPBD and Knex is the lack of helpful feed back WPBD provided on the tension and concentration or each material.Both West Point Bridge Design and Knex are excellent tools for engineers to understand how professionals design real structures. It is a tool that helps visualize structural behavior and also an opportunity to experience the design process.
Last week in lab we were introduced to Knex and allowed to play with them get a good understanding. The first thing done was a presentation which gave details and constrains for the bridge competition. I was able to realize what my bridge needs to accomplish and how it should be design to meet the constraints of the competition. Furthermore, the presentation informed the class about the different Knex parts and how much each will cost. At end we were allows to play with the Knex to get a good feel of how the bridge will be. This week in lab we will work more with the Knex pieces and attempt to Build a bridge for the competition.

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