Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 5: WPBD - Knex

During the past weeks, the students have been introduced to two different methods of designing and constructing a truss bridge. Although there are similarities in the two methods, each method demonstrates different aspects of engineering. The West Point Bridge design software allowed the students to comprehend the mechanism involved in designing a truss bridge. Similarly, designing the bridge using Knex provided the students to visualize the structural behavior included in the designing an actual bridge. Along with that, both methods express the budget factor that plays an important role in the designing process.
The major difference between these two methods would be that West Point Bridge Design software has a limit to the types of gussets used to connect membranes while the Knex method limits types of materials and their thickness to construct the bridge. In my perspective, WPBD software is very time efficient and more convenient in regards to restructure and rearrange the design of the bridge calculating the cost of the bridge. The software also allows the students to quickly calculate the cost of the bridge, while the Knex method requires the students to calculate everything using excel file. In addition, the Knex method provides more hands on experience the assembling of the truss bridge. Overall, both methods serve as a great guide to comprehending the engineering aspects convoluted in designing process.
During the previous week in class, we discussed the constraints that need to be considered in building the final design. We also received an overview of the assessment that each bridge will have to undergo during the final week. For the rest of the class, the group decided to work together in designing a “real” truss bridge using Knex. For next week, each group member will have a blueprint of their own unique design including the details of materials involved in the construction.

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