Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 1: Team Work

Working as teams is a very effective and learning experience that will happen all throughout college and also during work. Being effective as a team is very important, because it reflects on how successful the final outcome the project will be. First of all, we already have formed groups with close friends; therefore already know that each of us is intelligent, dedicated, and punctual. We should be able to work peacefully together because we had experiences together and also know how each of us thinks. In another words, already knowing each other, we should be able to successfully move through the stages of team work such as forming, storming, norming and performing. We have already discussed what roles each person will be responsible in this project, such as Jaimon is the webpage technician, Sachin is the budget/materials supervisor, and I will be the bridge developer. In addition, we have been in the process of agreeing upon what times the group should meet to work on the project, such as Mondays and Tuesdays will be excellent ideas since labs are on Wednesdays. Everyone must come to team meeting, which will be held during consentient times, because they are an inevitable part of teamwork and a successful project. I believe we will be good with avoiding arguments and disputes since we are good friends. If any team member disapproves or wants to imper vise other team member’s ideas, they should speak freely to the group. The decision will be made with the most votes or the use of a third party mediator. Overall, this group is excellent with communication and team work.

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