Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 10: Term Review

Last week in class we tested our final bridge designs. The new three foot bridge we constructed was 395,500 dollars and held 31.8 pounds. We had predicted that it would hold at the least above 25 pounds, because we took a estimate according to how much our 2 foot bridge held during the second round of testings. After a quick calculation our bridge had a $12,359 per pound cost to weight ratio. In week 10 of class we will we reviewing what we had accomplished in the past 9 weeks of lab.

Putting the last 9 weeks into perspective, I have learned a lot of new skills and refined a few others. My analysis and design skills have definitely been improved. This was mainly accomplished by the MOJ and the bridge weight testing that we had done in class. Seeing where the bridge failed, I was able to analyze where the bridge needed to be modified, and modifying the bridge helps immensely with the design process.

There were a lot of things that were beneficial to the class, and I felt added alot of knowledge to each individual student. Be the student a mechanical, architectural, civil, biomedical, engineer, the aspects of the design and analysis process we were taught by Professor Mitchell we unparalleled. We learned new concepts, like tension and compression, tensile strength, concepts that apply to almost all engineering fields. But, I feel the class as a whole would have learned more, if we learned a few more analysis skills, so that our bridges might have turned out better.

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