Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 6 KNEX

Working with the KNEX for a week, I have come to the view that KNEX are alot better with building bridge. 
It gives you a wide range of connectors and different types of rods. With the KNEX we are actually able to test out out bridges, so the relativistic effects on a bridge are seen. the uneven weight distribution is put forth in front of you, unlike WPBD the full range of those defects are not seen. Here you are clearly able to see what connectors are bad and which are good. So that you know exactly which parts to replace and which to keep and where to change the structure of bridge if need be. Which WPBD did not show connector defects, it only showed uneven distribution in the rods. So, maybe changing a connector was not an option. Here it is, which also may keep cost down, since you are able to change a broader range of items. 

This week we will be testing the weight capacity of out bridges with sand, as well as the discussing and changes that might be needed to out bridge. We have done several modifications so far but our bridge still had about the same strucuture, a trapezoidal prism. This week we need to fix all of our connector issues that were presented to us last week. 

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